Losing Weight by Regaining Health (healing your mammal brain): Part 2.2

Please read before continuing:

Part 1

Part 2: step 1

Take my Stress Hormone Questionnaire to find out how stressed you are and how badly you need to begin the following Baby Steps.

(For more information on our three brains, “computer,” “mammal,” and “reptile,” visit my patreon page for my upcoming book, Raised by Reptiles)

Step 2) Mammal Brain: Feelings

This part of the brain “soothes” us and calms our production of stress hormones. Modern humans have “stunted” mammal brains (for reasons described in my upcoming new book, Raised by Reptiles), and therefore have a hard time soothing themselves during day to day challenges. Here are the beginning steps for rehabilitating your stunted mammal brain:


a) Practice observing what your inner body feels like. What is your inner body? It is that part of you that requires no words to know, it’s more of a feeling, but not necessarily an emotion. These feelings can be nice or not nice, but try not to label them as good or bad with your thoughts, just observe them and give them space to be. If you’ve ignored your inner body for a long time, it may be upset with you. Just observe and feel it. (Please read my article on the difference between thoughts, emotions, and feelings.)

b) Centering prayer is a great way to practice this. (Any type of meditation will generally work.) 20 minutes once or twice daily.

c) Throughout your day, practice becoming aware of the background peace and certainty that is inside your body. Or if there is unrest, give it space to be there and feel it. Find out what it is trying to help you solve in your life.

d) Practice feeling the inner connection to your spiritual self, your intuition, and your connection with God on a feeling level, not a word or thinking level.

Focus on this step for 10 days before starting step 3. Perhaps do 2a, 2c, and 2d during your meals, an easy way to get 1-3 hours in daily.


Step 2B) Talk Therapy and NET (if needed)

If the first two steps give you peace, then continue them. If they give you anxiety, seek out a talk therapist to help you get to the bottom of the anxiety from a mind/thinking level, and see your NET practitioner to address the anxiety from a physiological level.


Step 3) Reptile Brain: Safety


Yours in health,

John B. Campise Wellness Consulting
Holistic, Chiropractic, Light therapy, Hyperbaric therapy
(559) 930-1034
1709 W. Barstow Avenue
Fresno, CA 93711

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*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/John-B-Campise-Wellness-Consulting-436906703059310/
*Website: https://campise-chiropractor-fresno.com/

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