Exactly why is there a crisis in health insurance in the first place? And why isn’t there a cell phone insurance crisis?
It’s called a crisis because health insurance is too expensive for about 30% of the population to afford on their own. In Fresno county, 50% of the populace is on government assistance for health insurance (medical)! This means that 50% can’t afford to pay for it themselves. Why? Is it that they are too poor? Or is it that health insurance is artificially expensive?
How many of those who can’t afford health insurance also can’t afford to buy cell phone insurance? Obviously substantially less. And it’s a mute point anyway because cell phones are so relatively cheap that breaking your phone without having insurance is hardly a hardship.
So why isn’t health care similarly cheap enough that having health insurance would be essentially optional?
Skip the following long paragraph for the solution.
There are many complicated reasons why health care is outrageously more expensive than other sectors of the economy. A few of these are: 1) artificial reduction in the number of doctors and nurses due to overly strict licensing, overpriced college tuition due to the perverse incentives of artificially low lending standards of student loans, over focus on book smart students while preventing “non-acedemic” yet street smart individuals from entering the health field, 2) artificially inflated doctor overhead due to busywork created by extremely and unnecessaryily complicated insurance billing rules and regulations that constantly change, 3) Extremly costly and slow FDA approval process for new medical treatments, 4) the broken judiciary system allowing for outrageously disproportional medical malpractice monetary awards, 5) punishing doctors for developing new treatments based on their clinical experience coming from three different fronts: the licensing boards, the FDA, and the judiciary lawsuit system. 6) allowing companies to patent medical treatments, creating all the same evils including higher prices that come from any monopolistic system, 7) reducing the price lowering effects of competition by restricting interstate commerce via licensing laws and insurance laws, 8) laws requiring doctor visits in order to get a prescription, preventing nurses from prescribing, and preventing medications from being over the counter like they are in other countries, 9) putting billions of tax dollars into drug research instead of into disease prevention research and prevention education of the public, 10) disease promoting government food pyramids being promoted by otherwise trustworthy organizations, 11) non-profit laws that allow consumers to get tax breaks for giving money to drug companies for “cure research,” instead of for prevention research, 12) discrimination laws preventing insurance companies for lowering rates for those who take disease prevention lifestyle steps, 13) insurance laws that prevent low cost insurance via “catastrophic ” type high deductible plans, and prevent buying groups for self-employed or employees of small businesses, 14) laws that require insurance companies to offer coverage for “non-insurable” events like regular check ups or visits for non-life threatening colds and flus, 15) tax laws that create a system whereby the majority of consumers get insurance through their employer such that coverage is lost if you change jobs, causing higher rates to kick in if you have become ill.
Yes, each of these complicated and non-obvious reasons for disproportionately high medical costs can be tediously fixed by fighting tooth and nail against each vested interest who likes the system the way it is, taking decades if not centuries. Or we can ignore all this and short circuit the entire list by implementing one single simple thing.
Obviously if no one ever got sick, health insurance would cost pennies per month if not be entirely illegal because company offering health insurance would essentially be scamming you if no one ever got ill.
Let’s say for simplicity that health insurance premium costs are directly proportional to how often people get ill. If so, then reducing the illness rate by 10% would lower insurance premiums 10%.
What if one simple thing could lower illness rates by 75% thereby lowering insurance premiums by 75%? Wouldn’t the health care/health insurance crisis be solved? Of course it would.
Just like there’s no such thing as a cell phone insurance crisis because the price of phones are so low, health insurance wouldn’t need to be a thing of national discussion anymore if the cost of health care dropped by 75% because people got ill 75% less often.
It turns out there is one simple thing that can easily achieve this: vitamin D supplementation.
Here’s a list of a few of the scientifically validated effects of D:
can reduce cancer rates by 75-95%
Can reduce cardiovascular disease (heart attck and stroke) by 40-60%
Can reduce autoimmune diseases (diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, rhuematoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc) by 40-60%
Can reduce infections like pneumonia, flu, sepsis, and childhood viral diseases by 60-80%
Can reduce osteoporosis by 50-70%
Can reduce anxiety and depression by 40-60%
Can reduce allergies by 40%
Can reduce pregnancy complications by 40%
Here are some theoretical D benefits if everyone had high levels from womb to grave:
prevent 95% of autism
Prevent 50% of birth defects
Prevent 50% of dental decay
Prevent 50% of acid reflux, ulcers, GERD
Prevent 90% of osteoarthritis
Prevent 90% of Lymes disease, and other infectious disease including STD
Likely, preventing 99% of the rest of disease that would still occur even with D supplementation would be taking non-rancid omega 3 supplements and certain dietary changes like avoiding junk food and avoiding poisons like smoke, heavy metals, and alcohol. Exercise routines would only be needed by a small subset of people.
It really is that simple. And there is oceans of real robust science backing it up. Let’s Avoid the years and years of stressful political debate and let’s just put full efforts into vitamin D education and utilization.
If your doctor measures your cholesterol levels regularly but doesn’t check your D levels, run for the hills, you need a new doctor. Cholesterol testing is one of the least effective ways to monitor overall health and D testing is one of the most effective ways.
Looking Forward!
Yours in health,
Dr. Campise
Fresno Chiropractor
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