New Theory of the Cause of Cancer from UCSD

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Natural alternative treatment for cancer?

There is a new hypothesis on the cause of malignant cancer. It is called DINOMIT (pronounced dynomite). Natural selection on the cellular level is the basis of the new theory (based on new scientific biochemical discoveries). It goes kinda like this: each cell in our bodies has it’s own drive to survive by harvesting nutrients from it’s environment. On one level, all the cells around it compete for the same nutrients. Cells have a lot of weapons at their disposal for survival because each has a complete copy of instructions to create every function that exists in the entire organism (DNA). The most effective means of competing with your neighbors is for the cell to replicate or clone itself over and over so that it and it’s clones will physically outnumber and thus out-compete it’s neighboring cells for nutrients.

But, since every cell has this ability to clone itself rapidly, each cell then has to try to prevent the cells around it from doing so. The way cells inhibit their neighbors from replicating themselves too much (cancer) is by sending chemical messengers to the cells around them which turn off the genes which enable them to replicate too much. These messengers travel through connections between the cells called gap junctions.

New research is showing that the gap junctions that allow chemical communication between cells is dependent on vitamin D. When vitamin D levels drop, gap junctions between cells begin to decline. Without gap junctions, cells can no longer stop surrounding cells from replicating themselves in order to compete for nutrients. This is the new theory of the cause of all cancer.

D = Disjunction of cells (caused by blood levels of Vit D below 40-80ng/ml)
I = Initiation (type and location of cancer depends on genetic variation)
N = Natural Selection (cells trying to compete for nutrients with neighboring cells)
O = Overgrowth
M = Metastasis (break away of cells, setting up colonies of cells in distant tissues)
I = Involution (Cancer slows down)
T = Transition (Cancer becomes chronic)

Chemicals known as carcinogens (cancer causing) will change the DNA of cells so that they are more likely to replicate too much (cancer), but only if there is a loss of the inhibitory signals from it’s neighbors through a loss of the gap junctions which connect them.

Recent evident strongly suggests that at any stage of the above DINOMIT process, cancer can be stopped by restoring the gap junction communication between cells. This happens by raising blood levels of vitamin D above 40-80ng/ml.

Even if you have late stage cancer, theoretically, if you can raise your blood levels of vit D to the appropriate level, the cancer will halt. It won’t ever go away, but it will stop progressing. If your vit D levels ever drop again too low, the cancer will start growing again.

Looking Forward!

Yours in health,

Dr. Campise
Fresno Chiropractor
559 930 1034

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