Heavy Metal Chelation

Alternative, natural, holistic heavy metal chelation and detoxification:

Dr. Campise uses a breakthrough system of treatment for chelating and detoxifying heavy metals from your body. First he assesses your diet and nutritional status, then he assesses your acupuncture meridian system including each organ such as the liver and large intestine, then he assesses your entire nervous system. After prescribing specific treatments and remedies to strengthen your body(nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, emotional, and physical treatments), he adds in the type of chelating agent your body wants. Many of Dr. Campise’s patients undergoing heavy metal detoxification have little to no Herx reactions (adverse symptoms related to getting the toxins and metals out). Herx reactions while detoxing are simply a sign that your body needs more support on one of the four levels that we address in our program here.

The following information is from remedylink.com


Each silver filling releases up to 17 mcg of mercury every day. This increases to 500 mcg when the smoking of cigaretts, the drinking of hot liqiuds, gum chewing, acidic saliva or the grinding of teeth at night. Mercury accumulates in the brain, heart, kidneys and endocrine glands and can cause depression, auto-immune diseases, memory loss, tremors, anemia and heart attack. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Mercury from the body. Data regarding heavy metals taken from: Toxicology of Metals. Edited by Louis Chang, 1996.


Aluminum can be found in drinking water, anti-perspirants, baking powders, feminine hygiene products, cow and soy milk, baby formula, antacids, and of course aluminum foil, pots and pans. It accumulates in the skin, bones, brain and kidneys and can cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons disease. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Aluminum from the body.


Lead is found in cosmetics, plastics, batteries, gasoline, insecticides, pottery glaze, soldered pipes, and paint. Lead accumulates in the brain, liver, kidneys and bones. For each 30 mcg of lead in a child’s blood, his or her IQ drops 10 points. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Lead from the body.


Barium compounds are found in soaps, ceramics, paper, glass, plastics, textiles, dyes, feul additives, rubber, paint and pesticides. Barium toxicity can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Barium from the body.


Nickel is found in stainless steel cutlery, pots and pans, coins, dental fillings and batteries. It accumulates in the bones, kidneys, liver, lungs, immune system and the brain, where it can cause genetic damage and cancer. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Nickel from the body.


Arsenic is found in cigarette smoke, laundry detergents, beer, seafood and drinking water, It can cause headaches, confusion and sleepiness. It can damage the kidneys, liver, and lungs. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Arsenic from the body.


Exposure to cadmium happens mostly in the workplace where cadmium products are made. The general population is exposed from breathing cigarette smoke or eating cadmium contaminated foods. Cadmium damages the lungs, can cause kidney disease, and may irritate the digestive tract. This substance has been found in at least 776 of the 1,467 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Cadmium from the body.


Uranium is a radioactive element that disintegrates eventually into lead. There has been over 2,000 nuclear detonations on our planet since Hiroshima casting uranium into our atmosphere, not counting events like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Radioactive materials can cause cancer and birth defects. EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Uranium from the body. Data regarding heavy metals taken from: Toxicology of Metals. Edited by Louis Chang, 1996.

Pesticides and Herbicides:

Approximately 1 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are applied each year in the United States, with usage doubling every 10 years. Less than 1% of these toxins applied ever find their way to the target pest. The rest goes into our food, water, air and soil. While organic food is better, it still as up to 50% the pesticide residue found on commercial food. Pesticides are carcinogens, mutagens and neurotoxins and can damage the immune system and the endocrine system. Glutathione can help detoxify pesticides.

Car Exhaust and Cigarette Smoke:

There are nearly 600 million vehicles on the world’s roads poisoning our atmosphere. In some cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City, daily ‘smog’ reports are given in the newspapers and radio stations letting people know how safe it is to go outside and breathe the air. Comparing photographs of the atmosphere over the last 20 years, meteorologists have been able to document a significant toxic darkening of our skies. A thick cloud of poisonous air has settled over the planet, and while it is worse in some areas than others, the atmospheric changes are evident from pole to pole. Add to this the fact that some of us breathe smoke directly into our lungs with cigarettes, and the problem is only compounded. Glutathione detoxifies these poisons.


While moderate alcohol consumption has some benefits, alcohol also has a dark side. In the process of metabolizing alcohol, the liver turns it into formaldehyde. This is the same toxic fluid that is used in high school biology classes to preserve frogs and fetal pigs for dissection and what is currently used to embalm people. Formaldehyde is extremely toxic to the body and the faster you detoxify it, the better. Glutathione detoxifies alcohol and formaldehyde.

Bacterial and Fungal Toxins:

Chronic bacterial and fungal infections in our intestines release their poisonous metabolic end products directly into our bloodstream. These toxins are carcinogenic and can also cause mood and memory disorders. Further exposure to mold toxins in our food supply and breathing air from mold infested buildings makes for additional exposure. Glutathione detoxifies these poisons.


Open any magazine and look at an ad for any pharmaceutical product. There on the back of the page is another page filled with fine print listing it’s side effects. Considering that these side effects are often under-reported and you can begin to see the how even a single pharmaceutical, let alone a cocktail of them can damage the body over time. If you need to take pharmaceuticals, then consider using glutathione to remove their often toxic metabolic end products from your body.

Heavy Metals:

While glutathione (when assisted by glutathione-s-transferase) removes toxic metals like mercury, lead and aluminum from the body, it is far more valuable in it’s ability to remove toxic chemicals. Consider using Medicardium EDTA to remove toxic metals. In this way, the glutathione is then freed to focus on removing toxic chemicals. Add the two products together for a complete detoxification solution.”

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