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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Attitude: The Primary Factor

The first step to longevity and optimum health on a poor person’s budget is to master your attitude.

1) You are completely in charge of your own attitude.

2) You are free to master your attitude for little to no monetary cost.

3) Your attitude affects the totality of your health. No health care, therapy, drug, medication, surgery, herb, vitamin, nor any other treatment will be entirely successful if your attitude is not mastered.

There are three main parts of an attitude:

A) The part of you that perceives what happens around you in your life.

B) Your opinion about what happens around you.

C) The messages you send back to the world about your opinion, via your body language, words, and actions.

To master your attitude, you need to address all three parts.

First you need to strive to perceive accurately. If you perceive that someone is trying to hurt you when he is actually trying to help you, your opinion and actions will be inappropriately stressful to both you and the other person.

Second, there are always multiple angles from which to view what happens. And there is good and bad in everything. You can make sure to at least look for as much good in what happens as bad before you make your opinions.

Third, you can master the messages, body language, words and actions you give to the world so that they accurately communicate what you want to tell the world.

The benefits of mastering your attitude on your health are less stress, more fun, better digestion, improved circulation, better sleep, slower aging, faster workout recovery, and enhanced creativity and productivity, just to name a few. In reality, it enhances all the positive aspects of health and decreases the propensity for all disease and illness.

Mastering your attitude is the first step towards forgiveness of others and more importantly of yourself. Remember, there is good and bad to everything including you! If you focus on the negative in others, in the world, and in you, then you won’t like others, you won’t like the world, and you won’t like yourself. This is a recipe for illness and disease, not to mention general suffering for you and those around you. When you look at the whole picture bad and good, then you can forgive misgivings and embrace internal peace. When you feel good about yourself and the world, everything else in your life comes into balance, especially your health.

Looking Forward!

Yours in health,

Dr. Campise
Fresno Chiropractor
559 930 1034

P.S. If you have the time, kindly give us a review in Google Maps – Thanks!

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